Symposium “NATO at 60 - the future ahead” op 23 oktober

Op 23 oktober 2009 vond in de plenaire zaal van de Eerste Kamer het symposium "NATO at 60 - the future ahead " plaats. De NAVO bestaat in 2009 60 jaar. Tevens is dit jaar de aftrap gegeven voor een internationale discussie over de herziening van het Strategisch Concept van de NAVO. Tijdens het symposium, georganiseerd door de vaste commissie voor Buitenlandse Zaken, Defensie en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking, zal het debat over de toekomst van de NAVO bezien worden in de bredere context van de mondiale veiligheidsstructuur.

Hoofdsprekers op het symposium waren prof. Julian Lindley-French, specialist op het gebied van het Amerikaanse buitenlandbeleid en de strategische ontwikkelingen in Europa op het gebied van defensie en veiligheid, en Konstantin Kosachev, voorzitter van de commissie Internationale Betrekkingen van het Russische parlement. Tevens hebben Generaal-Majoor b.d. en senator Van Kappen en senator Vliegenthart een bijdrage geleverd. Het is een openbaar symposium.


The standing committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Development Cooperation of the Senate of the Netherlands would like to invite you to participate in the symposium of the 60th anniversary of NATO and its future challenges.

The year 2009 marks the 60th anniversary of NATO and has seen the launch of its Strategic Concept review, to be concluded in 2010. When announcing the review, NATO’s former Secretary-General, de Hoop-Scheffer, emphasised the need for a broad public and political debate on the future of NATO and on a new Strategic Concept. This symposium will provide a platform for such a discussion on NATO’s future and on global security


Keynote speakers at the symposium on October 23th include Mr. Konstantin Kosachev, chairman of the committee on International Affairs of the Russian parliament and Prof. Julian Lindley-French of the Dutch Defence-academy. Contributions will also be made by Major-General (ret) Frank van Kappen and Dr. Arjan Vliegenthart, Senator and member of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. The symposium will be chaired by the chairman of the standing committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Development Cooperation of the Senate, mr. Fred de Graaf.

Registration opens at 10:00 hrs. for official opening of the symposium at 10.30 hrs. Closure of the symposium is foreseen for 13.30 hrs. A detailed programme will be made available at Prospective participants are kindly requested to register before 17 October by sending their name and affiliation to Please note that seating capacity of the venue is limited and that admission is restricted to registered guests only.

Further enquiries can be directed to David Rijks ( or Hester Menninga (

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